Our Theory of Change
We believe that poverty is a function of human rights violations and unequal power relations. Promoting just and accountable governance principles with democratic and transparent processes are thus necessary conditions that must be ensured for poverty eradication and development in Nigeria to take place.
We believe that an end to poverty and injustice can be achieved through purposeful individual and collective action, led by active agency of people living in poverty and supported by solidarity, credible rights-based alternatives and campaigns that address the structural causes and consequences of poverty.
In other words, people living in poverty often need to be supported to discover their own power, get organized and connect into movements, publicly demanding their rights from local institutions, national governments and powerful corporate bodies. People living in poverty and exclusion are the primary agents of change.
Poverty and injustice can be eradicated only when the poor and excluded are able to take charge of their lives and act to claim their rights that have been denied or violated.
We promote development from the grassroots and challenge development from above. We believe that focusing our interventions on the platforms created by the people themselves is a vital approach to bringing an end to poverty.
In order to effect change, it is therefore vital that we engage with people, government and institutions to respect, promote, protect and fulfil the rights of poor and excluded people. This process shall range from cooperation to non-violent protests. The process shall also include providing research and evidence, promoting alternatives and running public campaigns.